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Uncle Waithleys with Karl Franz Williams feature #47 of Together Talks

Writer: KLSKLS

Updated: Jan 9

"Together Talks" feature # 47: Uncle Waithleys presented by KLS, freight company

Some Background on Uncle Waithleys

For today's edition of "Together Talks" campaign, KLS had the opportunity to interview Uncle Waithleys and founder, Karl Franz Williams. At their roots, they are all about “The Vibe”. They believe in the power of a wicked rhythm, lyrics that we can sing out loud with our eyes closed, dance, style, and good company to create a positive, free-spirited atmosphere- a moment. They are passionate about seeing you express your unique, unfiltered spirit, so they ask you: “How do you spice up your vibe?”

Uncle Waithleys deep connection to the vibrant Caribbean culture coupled with traditional mixology techniques allows them to create a truly authentic taste experience. They are dedicated to keeping their brand entrenched in any and everything Vibe, and always looking for ways to push the boundaries.

They want to see how you Spice Up Your Vibe! Share your unique approach with them and join their tribe of like-minded rebels who are passionate about living life to the fullest. #spiceupyourvibe

No Golden Handcuffs

To understand the beginning of Uncle Waithleys we need to go through the journey of Karl's career. It started with earning his degree from Yale University with a degree in electrical engineering. From there he got his first experience in the beverage industry as a member of Proctor & Gamble, focusing on Sunny Delight and Hawaiian Punch. Soon after he was transitioned to Gain, which he joked is why he was no longer with P&G. He then joined PepsiCo where he over saw Latino markets on the marketing side before being promoted to the Marketing Manager. Karl shared with us that this is where he saw the power and value of marketing for a brand, an early seed that would serve him about a decade later.

Around this time, Karl opened up a café, Society Coffee, on the side while still with PepsiCo. He was then promoted to Core Beverage Innovation Incubation, which stirred the creative juices. Karl then opened 67 Orange Street, Harlem's first cocktail bar and modern speakeasy. In the 15 years of business, Karl has led this establishment to being Best Bar in Harlem TimeOut2017, Esquire Top 27 bar in America in 2021, and Top 50 in New York yearly.

Opening this bar was the moment where Karl found himself at a crossroad. He and many from his cohort were climbing the corporate ladder quickly. He was well on his way to holding a top position within PepsiCo or another company if he wanted to. But he also had this crazy idea. See at his bar he had developed his own unique Ginger Beer used for mixing. This product had great feedback amongst bartenders and patrons. Karl had business experience, he had seen the power of marketing up close and first hand, but more importantly he had this pull to creating something that was an homage to his family.

Karl decided to leave corporate America to continue building his bar and his solo endeavors. Karl would go on to own an additional two bars prior to 2020 when he decided that it was the right moment to commercialize Uncle Waithleys.

Partner with KLS
KLS offers LTL and FTL for both dry and reefer transportation.
Our nationwide coverage provides companies a reliable, consistent, and dependable logistics partner to handle your trucking needs.
For more information on how we can help call our office today 708-980-0920 or reach us via our email quote request here!
1 Store Start

January of 2022 was the market debut of his product. Karl got into a single Whole Foods Store. Almost instantly it became the best-selling ginger beer. Immediately picked up for an additional two stores. By the end of last year expanded into an additional 14 stores. All in all, Uncle Waithleys is in over 80 large format retail locations. Karl believes they have the right mix of pricing and merchandising for grocery and their quick growth and expansion is echoing that. As is the impressive list of awards earned in just 2 years!

Together Talks with Uncle Waithleys and founder, Karl Franz Williams feature #47 - Klimson Logistics Solutions presented by KLS, freight company. LTL, FTL, Reefer LTL, Reefer FTL, Drayage, 3PL

In addition to the grocery side, Karl also wants to stay true to his first business which is the bar industry. His product is currently found in over 60 bars in the New York and Tri-State area. They plan to continue to grow and expand that increasing their reach in the Atlantic region.

The "Vincy" Experience

So what is the secret to Uncle Waithleys being so delicious and unique? Well it goes back to Karl's roots. His family is from the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. While owning his bars, Karl came across the realization that there isn't a natural mixing product. Everything was artificial tasting and heavy sugar within the Caribbean market. He could not find a product that provided a fresh natural taste, which ultimately limited it's potential to elevate the mixability.

Karl felt the calling when he left corporate America to somehow include his heritage. Uncle Waithleys would ultimately turn into that. But before he scaled it, he had to create the product first. That began with sourcing organic Peruvian ginger, the highest quality available. The next unique but key component was the scotch bennet pepper, prized for its heat and sweet flavor. The third key element was using mineral water or "spa water" as it is known in St. Vincent, in which the locals joke it gives long life!

With that Karl had created the ONLY ginger beer or beverage on the market using scotch bonnet pepper. Coupling that with the mineral water he told us enhances the flavors. The way Karl explained it, "It is hard to differentiate between ginger and pepper so what this does is lengthens the bite".

And thus "Vincy" was developed, which means "From/of" St. Vincent!

And the name is the full circle moment of tying in his family's heritage. His Grandfather lived to be 100 and his name was Waithley. Also it is his father's name as well. Karl was able to combine his heritage, his family, and his culture to create this one-of-a-kind new product.


Karl shared with us that the beverage industry is about scale. It is nearly impossible to be successful unless you can rump up to a good size in a reasonable amount of time. The challenge is balancing funding and scaling. In order to scale you need to partner with the right manufacturing and co-pack partners. But typically they won't onboard new clients unless the volume warrants it. But in order to have that level of demand you need to sell enough volume, which typically requires marketing, sampling, etc. You need funding to grow and to grow you need scaling. It is a Catch 22.

In our discussion Karl, stated how finding funding in the space is difficult, but even more challenging being an entrepreneur of color. One of the reasons he continues to mentor and give back whenever he can, to continue to advance and evolve the platforms and opportunities for those coming up with ideas and goals to be entrepreneurs.

We asked Karl his fears he had and he took us to when he decided to leave PepsiCo, as he shared, "I had senior level individuals from Pepsi come and talk to me at my café. They wanted to touch base, making sure I was making the right decision to walk away from the trajectory I was on. But looking back I was less afraid then. I was in my early 30's, I didn't have a wife or kids. I've always been a determined person which has its pros and cons. Plenty of times I could have thrown in the towel, but I always felt something here worth doing and that I need to finish the story".

Karl shared how it was an emotional and incredibly difficult decision, but he believed he was on the right path. He told us this journey has been full circle as he has been able to bring his entire experience from corporate America marketing, paired with his small business ownership, and lastly his expertise being a mixologist.

As he shared with us, "luckily there is no doubt we have a great product. We knew it initially, but it was subjective. Once we reached stores and commercialized it, it became subjective".

What is next?

The company is focused on continuing to grow its exposure as they wrap up 2023 and head into 2024. Karl explained the lofty goals of reaching 500+ large format locations and over 100+ bars. In addition to expanding the reach, he hopes to continue fundraising to grow and scale the operations for Uncle Waithleys. Another goal for Karl is to add additional flavors to the ginger beer line. He told us that ginger beer is the first product in the line, but the idea and strategy is to have Caribbean crafted flavors throughout.

Karl explained to us that the culture is directly aligned with the company which is the homage to their culture and family. The importance of family, culture, and authenticity are three pillars that Uncle Waithleys holds near and dear. The value Karl and his company place on these three traits allows them to remain authentic and real. He also values caring about ourselves and well-being which is why he helped create a better for you product with natural ingredients. The company will continue building on the idea of innovation and creativity. Using his background in mixology, he plans to continue using Caribbean touches which is enabling the company to curate some great art in how they want the products to be expressed.

On top of the awards listed below, Karl shared that the company just won a scholarship to attend Expo East this fall. That is after he recently just attended Fancy Food Show. When we asked Karl what the best part of his job is, he told us "Watching people enjoy the product, I love it. It is validation. Coming from hospitality the goal is to make people happy, which our product does". We also had to know, given his background in mixology, does he enjoy it more when someone tastes Uncle Waithleys in a mixed drink or consumed solo, he answered, "Mixology it plays a supporting role, it is part of the team, but I have to say solo because it is the star. On its own you get the full experience".

Incredibly at Fancy Food show had the opportunity to once again watch consumers try his product for his favorite aspect of the job. But another incredible feat, Karl was interviewed by CBS, which you can watch here courtesy of the Uncle Waithleys' LinkedIn page. We closed our chat with Karl, asking if he had a favorite moment so far in his journey, Karl didn't hesitate, "My Mom left a voicemail saying she saw me on CBS and how proud she was. That was pretty special".

Interested in being featured with "Together Talks"?
KLS is booking our upcoming schedule now!
Contact us as we would love to learn your story and share it amongst our audience.
Weekly we provide 2 companies our platform to expand their reach courtesy of our campaign. Let's collaborate!!!

In Closing

KLS wants to thank Karl Franz Williams, founder, of Uncle Waithleys for today's "Together Talks" feature. Keep up to date with Uncle Waithleys by following their blog on their website, check it out here. Follow along for the Uncle Waithleys journey with their social handles below!

Uncle Waithleys and Karl have also been featured in the below publications

Together Talks with Uncle Waithleys and founder, Karl Franz Williams feature #47 - Klimson Logistics Solutions presented by KLS, freight company. LTL, FTL, Reefer LTL, Reefer FTL, Drayage, 3PL

Klimson Logistics Solutions - "Together Talks" feature # 47 Uncle Waithleys with Karl Franz Williams

*Klimson Logistics Solutions is an Industry Leading Customer Service 3PL. Our focus and commitment to our clients has us striving to be the BEST customer service 3PL for LTL, FTL, Reefer, and Drayage in the country. KLS, freight company, is a 3PL providing nationwide logistics solutions. KLS shipping services include: LTL freight, FTL freight, Reefer LTL freight, Reefer FTL freight, and Drayage. Klimson Logistics Solutions thanks you for viewing our marketing campaign, "Together Talks". If you have any interest in being featured or questions regarding your freight operations please contact us today!

Why KLS?

Our precise and reliable effort.

We handle every shipment with the exact same process. It does not matter if you move one shipment a year or ten per day, you will receive the same level of customer service from us. When we started this company, we had one goal in mind, treat every shipment like it was our own. With our vast knowledge of the industry, we understood what a customer would want from a communication standpoint. We applied that process to be the standard here at KLS. Our reliability and being able to depend on our consistency is why we have such long-standing relationships with our clients.

Our Process?

Every shipment in our industry starts with a quote. We are firm believers that time is money, thus we strive to have quotes back in a 5-10 minute reply time for LTL and FTL, any FCL quotes are at the mercy of the carriers getting back to us. For LTL we have the flexibility to quote both off of NMFC and also Density depending on the carrier. Utilizing our services, you’re allowing us to use our expertise to class your freight accordingly to ensure we are providing the best rate we possibly can.

Once a quote has been submitted and a client chooses to proceed with KLS handling the arrangement of the shipment our full process begins. We create the BOL that will be used for the shipment. If it is a new location for our system, we will obtain all the important/special details (reference numbers, contact details, shipping hours, closed for lunch, dock/doors, etc.). We meticulously build every detail into our software for all future shipments involving that location. After we have both locations built and necessary reference numbers have been applied we will tender the shipment to the carrier. We use this method because it provides us a real time pickup number from the carrier to obtain updates prior to pickup. Our staff will either email the BOL directly to you or to the shipper (at your request) the minute after the tender has been accepted by the carrier. LTL carriers require a 2 hour window prior to close time in order to schedule it for a same-day pickup attempt.

The following morning you’ll receive an email from us. It will either provide the reason the pickup was missed (driver’s trailer filled up, driver missed the close time, truck broke down, shipper said no freight, etc.) or if the pickup was successful you will receive the PRO (tracking) number from us, along with the eta for delivery. Our staff will track it throughout the duration of transit and advise if anything happens that will alter the estimated delivery date. The day the shipment delivers we will email you with confirmation and the POD (Proof of Delivery), should you require it.

Your shipment has been quoted, scheduled, picked up, and delivered. The next step is waiting for the carrier to invoice us and make sure the rate matches up. If it does, we close out the invoice from the carrier in our system and automatically your invoice is created and sent to the requested party at your company. In the event the carrier has an additional charge on their invoice “Variance”, we will never send you an invoice with an additional charge without first identifying you of the charge.


You are our customer, we represent you. Should the carrier provide an extra charge on an invoice, “Lift gate, additional weight, reclass, detention, etc.) We notify you of the charge via email first. Second, within that email we identify what is required should you choose to dispute the charge. Again our goal is to honor your request, if you want to dispute, we will dispute. During a dispute we will provide you updates every step along the way. Once a dispute is closed out, whether it is approved or rejected, then we will invoice you as the invoice has been resolved.

For reference, our company only had 6.2% of all shipments go to dispute in 2022 and we successfully won 91% of those disputes on behalf of our customers.

This is our process for every single shipment you move with us. We don’t cut corners, we don’t hide from difficult situations. We believe in being available, honest, and transparent. We don’t ever want to tell you that a shipment is lost, damaged, misrouted, but it is our duty to notify you the second we find out something has gone wrong. We hate to present bad news, but it is part of the job. What you can guarantee is that we will work a shipment all the way through and turn over every stone until we get a resolution for our clients.

Services offered?

Our core business is LTL and FTL. Within these options we have options for both dry and refrigerated/frozen. We also offer FCL/Drayage options. Our company as a 3PL has nationwide options and services clients across the US.

Let’s breakdown our services more in-depth

LTL: Standard and Guaranteed CFS (Imports & Exports) Tradeshows Hazmat Anything that is on a pallet can be moved LTL. Typically LTL is up to 10 pallets, but the sweet spot for a carrier is 6-8 pallets at most for an individual shipment. LTL quotes are good between 5-30 days depending on the carrier. LTL can be quoted either via NMFC or density to determine the class (we do this for you).

Volume: Anything over 10-12’ of space in the truck is the technical rule for a volume shipment. When we run a quote for you we will determine if it qualifies for volume and provide you a rate if available. Volume moves allow you to get a reduced rate for larger shipments. The caveat to volume shipments it the quotes are only valid for 3-7 days and they move on capacity between terminals. If a terminal is backed up they will move their LTL freight first before the volume freight, which can lead to longer transit times for volume moves.

FTL/Dedicated/Expedited: 53’ Dry and Reefer 26’ Box trucks with lift gate Sprinter Van The main difference for FTL vs LTL is space and transit time. For standard pallets you can fit either 26 or 30 pallets in a 53’ dry van. The other main difference is transit time, for FTL each day counts in the transit time, whereas LTL does not count the day of pickup, weekends, or holidays in their transit time.

Reefer/Frozen: LTL and FTL We specialize working in the CPG space with food manufacturers. We regularly deliver to the following locations: Kehe UNFI Core Mark DPI Wegmans Cugini H.T. Hackney Netrition HEB ALDI Chambers and Owens EBY Brown Nassau Candy Harris Teeter Wakefern NU INC Long Distribution

What makes KLS different?

There are thousands for freight brokers and 3PL in our industry. Barrier to entry is rather easy and agents or owners will often hire sales people without any intention of properly training them. It results in high turnover for many freight companies and a forgettable experience for the client. We choose to operate differently through our consistency. We truly care about doing right by our clients and prospects too. While we would love to help provide our services to every company we speak with, that just isn’t realistic. We won’t always be the right fit for every company that moves freight and that is ok. Our authenticity as a shipping company sets us apart from the competition and that is backed up by our testimonials. We also run a marketing campaign bi-weekly called “Together Talks”. We interview, highlight, and promote two businesses every week. Our goal is to grow our network, make new connections, and learn something new with each collaboration. Check it out on our website and if you’re interested in being featured reach out.

Our company also runs a year long charity promotion. Book your first shipment through KLS and we donate to the charity of your choice in your name. Our way of thanking you for giving us an opportunity to show you the KLS way and what makes us one of a kind. This entire package is what we offer to every prospect and every client. Our goal is to help provide answers that customers may have when it comes to shipping. We want to always be available as a resource and will always offer a lending hand whenever we can.


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