"Together Talks" feature # 17: Elevated Gains presented by KLS, freight company.
Some Background on Elevated Gains
Elevated Gains was founded by Scott Edwards in Denver, CO. Their mission is to help athletes perform and recover at the highest level. It can be hard to find supplements that meet your nutritional needs and still taste great. Most of the protein bars on the market are loaded with sugar and a laundry list of ingredients no one understands, and they wanted to change that. The goal was to create a protein bar that used fewer and cleaner ingredients while still providing the nutrition necessary to help our bodies recover after a tough workout. Each Elevated Gains bar contains no artificial sweeteners, they only use honey, 20g of protein, and 25 mg of CBD.
The Start
Scott began creating his recipes nearly 4.5 years ago. The company officially launched about 2.5 years ago. Scott mentioned that version 2 of the bar was developed last year. He believes the product is about 95% complete and remains committed to tinkering with the formula. In comparison, he guessed that the previous version was roughly 65-80% complete. He felt this version made a huge jump in improving on their strong commitment to nutrients, taste, and customer satisfaction.
Partner with KLS
KLS offers LTL and FTL for both dry and reefer transportation.
Our nationwide coverage provides companies a reliable, consistent, and dependable logistics partner to handle your trucking needs.
For more information on how we can help call our office today 708-980-0920 or reach us via our email quote request here!
Current Operations
Elevated Gains currently is sold on their website. It also can be found in gyms around the Denver area, mainly CrossFit locations. Scott plans to expand their reach this year by also getting into yoga studios and CBD shops amongst other gyms as well. He is also looking to continue to partner with individuals and companies within the wellness industry. The company partners with their local relationships when a gym does a giveaway, for instance, Elevated Gains will provide inventory or shirts.
The Passion
When we asked Scott the reason for founding his company he told us it was an event in his life. He was working a job and had decided to get back into working out. He noticed he was extremely sore for an extended stretch of time. His after-workout routine consisted of protein, cannabis, and relaxation. It was helping, but he wondered to himself why isn't there an all in 1 option? The concept was created right there. Scott was determined to create a product that provided the necessary after-workout fuel, the benefits of CBD, and the relaxation and recovery for the body.
When figuring out how to create his bar, he knew he wanted the product to be clean and have 20g of protein. He told us it is rare to find a bar that offers 20g and the ones that do rarely taste good. As we previously stated, the formulas took about 2.5 years to get just right before launching. He developed 2 bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate and Cinnagraham. He actually told us he doesn't like anything Peanut Butter Chocolate but understood it was a necessity in this space. (Fun fact he actually likes his own bar, if you need validation for how good it taste!). The Cinnagraham was his masterpiece and special project. He wanted to create something unique in the space. Both flavors are created with less than 10 ingredients. No artificial sweeteners, only honey. Every consumer can be made fully aware of what they are putting into their bodies. This was vital to Scott to be as transparent as possible to the consumer with what they are consuming.
For comparison look at how Elevated Gains bars compare to some competitors!

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Weekly we provide 2 companies our platform to expand their reach courtesy of our campaign. Let's collaborate!!!
In Closing
Scott was adamant that he is building his company into something sustainable. While it has been challenging, he is embracing every step of the process. He continues to learn, grow, and adapt as a business owner. Scott was interviewed on subkit, check out the full article here. He believes in the value Elevated Gains offers individuals and will continue to create products that provide recovery. Scott mentioned he is looking to debut a third flavor later this year.
It is currently between Lemon and Cookies & Cream. Let him know which flavor you'd suggest or prefer!
We were ecstatic to meet and talk with Scott to learn his story and the reasoning behind creating Elevated Gains. It was a wonderful conversation and we are excited to see the newest flavor released and the continued growth of Elevated Gains. The company can be found all over social media, check out the links below to get more information or follow them!
KLS wants to thank Scott and Elevated Gains for their time. We hope you enjoyed this week's "Together Talks".

Klimson Logistics Solutions - Elevated Gains with Scott Edwards feature # 17 of Together Talks
*Klimson Logistics Solutions is an Industry Leading Customer Service 3PL. Our focus and commitment to our clients has us striving to be the BEST customer service 3PL for LTL, FTL, Reefer, and Drayage in the country. KLS, a freight company, is a 3PL providing nationwide logistics solutions. KLS shipping services include: LTL freight, FTL freight, Reefer LTL freight, Reefer FTL freight, and Drayage. Klimson Logistics Solutions thanks you for viewing our marketing campaign "Together Talks" if you have any interest in being featured or questions regarding your freight operations please contact us today!
Why KLS?
Our precise and reliable effort.
We handle every shipment with the exact same process. It does not matter if you move one shipment a year or ten per day, you will receive the same level of customer service from us. When we started this company, we had one goal in mind, treat every shipment like it was our own. With our vast knowledge of the industry, we understood what a customer would want from a communication standpoint. We applied that process to be the standard here at KLS. Our reliability and being able to depend on our consistency is why we have such long-standing relationships with our clients.
Our Process?
Every shipment in our industry starts with a quote. We are firm believers that time is money, thus we strive to have quotes back in a 5-10 minute reply time for LTL and FTL, any FCL quotes are at the mercy of the carriers getting back to us. For LTL we have the flexibility to quote both off of NMFC and also Density depending on the carrier. Utilizing our services, you’re allowing us to use our expertise to class your freight accordingly to ensure we are providing the best rate we possibly can.
Once a quote has been submitted and a client chooses to proceed with KLS handling the arrangement of the shipment our full process begins. We create the BOL that will be used for the shipment. If it is a new location for our system, we will obtain all the important/special details (reference numbers, contact details, shipping hours, closed for lunch, dock/doors, etc.). We meticulously build every detail into our software for all future shipments involving that location. After we have both locations built and necessary reference numbers have been applied we will tender the shipment to the carrier. We use this method because it provides us a real time pickup number from the carrier to obtain updates prior to pickup. Our staff will either email the BOL directly to you or to the shipper (at your request) the minute after the tender has been accepted by the carrier. LTL carriers require a 2 hour window prior to close time in order to schedule it for a same-day pickup attempt.
The following morning you’ll receive an email from us. It will either provide the reason the pickup was missed (driver’s trailer filled up, driver missed the close time, truck broke down, shipper said no freight, etc.) or if the pickup was successful you will receive the PRO (tracking) number from us, along with the eta for delivery. Our staff will track it throughout the duration of transit and advise if anything happens that will alter the estimated delivery date. The day the shipment delivers we will email you with confirmation and the POD (Proof of Delivery), should you require it.
Your shipment has been quoted, scheduled, picked up, and delivered. The next step is waiting for the carrier to invoice us and make sure the rate matches up. If it does, we close out the invoice from the carrier in our system and automatically your invoice is created and sent to the requested party at your company. In the event the carrier has an additional charge on their invoice “Variance”, we will never send you an invoice with an additional charge without first identifying you of the charge.
You are our customer, we represent you. Should the carrier provide an extra charge on an invoice, “Lift gate, additional weight, reclass, detention, etc.) We notify you of the charge via email first. Second, within that email we identify what is required should you choose to dispute the charge. Again our goal is to honor your request, if you want to dispute, we will dispute. During a dispute we will provide you updates every step along the way. Once a dispute is closed out, whether it is approved or rejected, then we will invoice you as the invoice has been resolved.
For reference, our company only had 6.2% of all shipments go to dispute in 2022 and we successfully won 91% of those disputes on behalf of our customers.
This is our process for every single shipment you move with us. We don’t cut corners, we don’t hide from difficult situations. We believe in being available, honest, and transparent. We don’t ever want to tell you that a shipment is lost, damaged, misrouted, but it is our duty to notify you the second we find out something has gone wrong. We hate to present bad news, but it is part of the job. What you can guarantee is that we will work a shipment all the way through and turn over every stone until we get a resolution for our clients.
Services offered?
Our core business is LTL and FTL. Within these options we have options for both dry and refrigerated/frozen. We also offer FCL/Drayage options. Our company as a 3PL has nationwide options and services clients across the US.
Let’s breakdown our services more in-depth
Standard and Guaranteed
CFS (Imports & Exports)
Anything that is on a pallet can be moved LTL. Typically LTL is up to 10 pallets, but the sweet spot for a carrier is 6-8 pallets at most for an individual shipment. LTL quotes are good between 5-30 days depending on the carrier. LTL can be quoted either via NMFC or density to determine the class (we do this for you).
Anything over 10-12’ of space in the truck is the technical rule for a volume shipment. When we run a quote for you we will determine if it qualifies for volume and provide you a rate if available. Volume moves allow you to get a reduced rate for larger shipments. The caveat to volume shipments it the quotes are only valid for 3-7 days and they move on capacity between terminals. If a terminal is backed up they will move their LTL freight first before the volume freight, which can lead to longer transit times for volume moves.
FTL/Dedicated/Expedited: 53’ Dry and Reefer 26’ Box trucks with lift gate Sprinter Van The main difference for FTL vs LTL is space and transit time. For standard pallets you can fit either 26 or 30 pallets in a 53’ dry van. The other main difference is transit time, for FTL each day counts in the transit time, whereas LTL does not count the day of pickup, weekends, or holidays in their transit time.
We specialize working in the CPG space with food manufacturers. We regularly deliver to
the following locations:
Core Mark
H.T. Hackney
Chambers and Owens
EBY Brown
Nassau Candy
Harris Teeter
Long Distribution
What makes KLS different?
There are thousands for freight brokers and 3PL in our industry. Barrier to entry is rather easy and agents or owners will often hire sales people without any intention of properly training them. It results in high turnover for many freight companies and a forgettable experience for the client. We choose to operate differently through our consistency. We truly care about doing right by our clients and prospects too. While we would love to help provide our services to every company we speak with, that just isn’t realistic. We won’t always be the right fit for every company that moves freight and that is ok. Our authenticity as a shipping company sets us apart from the competition and that is backed up by our testimonials. We also run a marketing campaign bi-weekly called “Together Talks”. We interview, highlight, and promote two businesses every week. Our goal is to grow our network, make new connections, and learn something new with each collaboration. Check it out on our website and if you’re interested in being featured reach out.
Our company also runs a year long charity promotion. Book your first shipment through KLS and we donate to the charity of your choice in your name. Our way of thanking you for giving us an opportunity to show you the KLS way and what makes us one of a kind. This entire package is what we offer to every prospect and every client. Our goal is to help provide answers that customers may have when it comes to shipping. We want to always be available as a resource and will always offer a lending hand whenever we can.